“COAM is a reliable partner with the right competence and experience to always find the best suited technical solutions for all types of special heavy-duty installations.” Schindler Elevator Ltd – Large Project Division – Mihael Robek – Senior Mechanical Eng
“COAM is a reliable partner with the right competence and experience to always find the best suited technical solutions for all types of special heavy-duty installations.” Schindler Elevator Ltd – Large Project Division – Mihael Robek – Senior Mechanical Eng
“COAM is the perfect partner that we need for our future projected Company. Their technologically high level cylinders are designed and produced to get the best lift performances.” Hydroware AB – Kjell Johansson – Director
“COAM proved to be, in 30 years of collaboration, a very flexible and efficient supplier, able to provide with short delivery times, a high quality product. A team of specialists always ready to meet any kind of customer expectation.” Bucher Hydraulics AG – Tony Aschwanden – Head of Sales, Elevator & Industrial Systems
“Hallo Herr Ackermann, Die Anlage läuft ja nach dem Umbau und wir haben bis jetzt keine Störung zu verbuchen. Auch der TÜV war voll mit der Umbauvariante zufrieden, sodass wir mit der Planung und dem Sonderaggregat hier sehr gut durchmarschiert sind. Dann sollen mal die nächsten Anfragen kommen J Gruß aus Essenheim” Aufzugsdienst Leis GmbH – Michael Schöneberger – Projektleiter Neubau / Modernisierung